14 July 2020 : Original article
Pretreatment with a Phosphodiesterase-3 Inhibitor, Milrinone, Reduces Hepatic Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury, Minimizing Pericentral Zone-Based Liver and Small Intestinal Injury in Rats
Shinichi Nakanuma1ABCDEFG*, Hidehiro Tajima1AC, Hiroyuki Takamura1ACG, Seisho Sakai1A, Ryosuke Gabata1B, Mitsuyoshi Okazaki1B, Hiroyuki Shinbashi1B, Yoshinao Ohbatake1B, Isamu Makino1B, Hironori Hayashi2A, Tomoharu Miyashita1AC, Sachio Fushida1A, Tetsuo Ohta1ACEDOI: 10.12659/AOT.922306
Ann Transplant 2020; 25:e922306

Figure 9 Survival analysis (hepatic ischemia-reperfusion [IR] injury model with 45-min whole hepatic ischemia): Six of the 13 rats in the IR group died within 24 h after surgery. The 7-day survival rate of the IR group was 53.8%. Twelve of the 13 rats in the IR+milrinone group survived, and the 7-day survival rate was increased significantly to 92.3% (P=0.03).