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13 November 2020 : Original article  

Single-Center Retrospective Analysis of Prophylaxis and Treatment of Pneumocystis carinii Pneumonia in Patients with Renal Dysfunction After Renal Transplantation

Jianyong Pan1C, Yingxin Fu1A*, Yu Cao1C, Gang Feng1F, Jie Zhao1D, Xiaofeng Shi1D, Chunbai Mo1A, Wenli Song1F, Zhongyang Shen1AG

DOI: 10.12659/AOT.925126

Ann Transplant 2020; 25:e925126

Figure 6 Comparison of creatinine change rates before and after PCP treatment. Patients with a >10% decline in creatinine were mainly in the ARF group.

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Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358
Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358