19 November 2021 : Original article
Diagnostic Utility of Presepsin in Infections After Liver Transplantation: A Preliminary Study
Takahiro Yokose1ABCDEF, Masashi Takeuchi1ABCDEF, Hideaki Obara1ACDEFG*, Masahiro Shinoda2ADF, Hirofumi Kawakubo1ADF, Minoru Kitago
DOI: 10.12659/AOT.933774
Ann Transplant 2021; 26:e933774

Figure 1 Perioperative change of 4 biomarkers in patients undergoing liver transplantation(A) Presepsin; (B) Procalcitonin; (C) C-reactive protein (CRP); (D) Leukocyte counts. Lines indicate median values. The box plot indicates 25th–75th percentiles. The left side indicates patients with non-infectious complications, and the right side indicates patients with infectious complications within 15 days postoperatively. (Microsoft Excel for Macintosh, version 16.16.27, Microsoft).