26 August 2022 : Original article
Development of a Novel Model for Predicting Postoperative Short-Term Outcome in Patients with Hepatitis B-Related Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure Undergoing Liver Transplantation
Qikun Zhang12ABCDEF*, Menglong Wang2ADF, Guangming Li2BDG, Zhongtao Zhang1ADEDOI: 10.12659/AOT.936732
Ann Transplant 2022; 27:e936732
Figure 2 Nomogram for predicting 90-day survival of HBACLF patients after LT. Each independent variable was assigned a score on the top scale, and the sum of these variable scores was located on the Total Points axis, which was mapped to a predicted probability of 90-day survival probability in the lowest scale. The nomogram corresponds to Model 2 without LNR (A) and with LNR (C). The calibration curves were plotted accordingly (B, D).