08 November 2017 : Original article
Risk Factors and Management for Biliary Complications Following Adult Living-Donor Liver Transplantation
Tsukasa Nakamura1ABCDEF*, Taku Iida1ABDF, Hidetaka Ushigome1ABDG, Masafumi Osaka1AB, Koji Masuda1ABC, Takehisa Matsuyama1ABC, Shumpei Harada1ABC, Shuji Nobori1ABG, Norio Yoshimura1AEGDOI: 10.12659/AOT.905485
Ann Transplant 2017; 22:665-670
BACKGROUND: Biliary complications (BCs) following liver transplantation are very serious. Nevertheless, it is still uncertain which components influence the incidence of BCs the most.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: A consecutive sample of 74 adult recipients who underwent living-donor liver transplantation were enrolled in this study. BCs that were Clavien-Dindo classification grade II or higher were determined as BCs.
RESULTS: There were 11 out of the 74 recipients who experienced BCs. There were no differences in preoperative background factors between the BCs+ and BCs– group. Unexpectedly, the number of bile duct orifices did not contribute to the BCs (p=0.722). In comparison with the BCs– group, the frequency of post-operative bleeding requiring re-operation was relatively higher (27.3% vs. 7.9%, p=0.0913) and this complication was the only independent risk factor (p=0.0238) for the onset of BCs. Many of the BCs+ recipients were completely treated by endoscopic or radiological intervention (81.8%). However, surgical revision was required for 2 recipients (18.2%).
CONCLUSIONS: Given these results, it is reasonable to believe that definite hemostasis is required to prevent future BCs. In addition, bile duct multiplicity was not associated with BCs.
Keywords: Biliary Tract, Liver Transplantation, Living Donors
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