14 September 2018 : Original article
Factors in Organ Donation Coordinators: A Cross-Sectional Study in China
Ping Mao1ABCDEF, Pingping Cai2CD, Aijing Luo1CD, Panhao Huang3ACDF, Wenzhao Xie1CDE*DOI: 10.12659/AOT.910409
Ann Transplant 2018; 23:647-653
BACKGROUND: Organ donation coordinators play an important role in the organ transplantation process. Job burnout can seriously affect their turnover rates and the organ donation rate. The present study investigated the level of job burnout and its related factors among organ donation coordinators in China.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: From March to May 2017, we administered questionnaire surveys to 320 organ donation coordinators from 32 cities. The questionnaire included the following: the Chinese version of MBI-GS was used to evaluate the burnout levels of organ donation coordinators, the Chinese version of GSES was used to assess related personal factors, and the Job Demands Scale and the SSRS were used to evaluate related environmental factors.
RESULTS: We received a total of 283 questionnaires with a response rate of 88.4%. Out of 283 organ donation coordinators, 169 coordinators (59.7%) showed burnout symptoms. Among them, 161 (56.9%) had mild burnout and 8 (2.8%) had severe burnout. Analysis by multiple linear regression reveals that gender, marital status, educational level, work unit, type of coordinator, job demands, self-efficacy, social support, and job satisfaction are the main factors affecting job burnout in organ donation coordinators.
CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of job burnout among Chinese organ donation coordinators is relatively high, with mild burnout as the main symptom and reduced personal accomplishment as the main clinical feature. We hope this study will provide a reference for the recruitment and reduction of coordinator burnout.
Keywords: Burnout, Professional, Personnel Turnover, Tissue and Organ Procurement
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