07 February 2019 : Short communication
Chimney-Patch Arterial Graft in Kidney or Pancreas Transplantation for Recipients with Heavily Calcified Iliac Arteries
Nosratollah Nezakatgoo1AE, Leah E. Hendrick2BE, Charles L. Mesh3DE, Jason M. Vanatta4ACE, Ryan A. Helmick1ABCDEF*DOI: 10.12659/AOT.912744
Ann Transplant 2019; 24:70-74
Iliac artery calcification is a common phenomenon complicating renal transplantation, particularly in those with diabetes. The potential for vascular clamp injury can threaten the renal allograft, ipsilateral lower extremity, or both. Utilization of internal balloon occlusion can allow for placement of a “Chimney Patch” graft, fashioned from a deceased donor artery, to the calcified vessel, eliminating the risk of clamp injury and minimizing warm ischemic time. We present a series of 6 patients transplanted with internal balloon occlusion with successful renal and pancreatic allograft function and no ipsilateral vascular complications. Internal balloon occlusion is a safe and effective adjunct for renal or pancreas transplant to prevent clamp injury with no adverse effect on allograft function.
Keywords: Balloon Occlusion, Kidney Transplantation, Plaque, Atherosclerotic, Vascular System Injuries, Iliac Artery, Pancreas Transplantation, vascular calcification, Vascular Grafting
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