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24 January 2020 : Original article  

Different Routes of Proton Pumps Inhibitors Co-Administration have Significant Impact on Mycophenolate Acid (MPA) Serum Levels in Heart Transplant Recipients

Tomasz Urbanowicz1ABCEFG*, Ewa Straburzyńska-Migaj2BEF, Veronica Casadei1BF, Michał Bociański1BF, Marek Jemielity1ADG

DOI: 10.12659/AOT.920225

Ann Transplant 2020; 25:e920225


BACKGROUND: Antiproliferative drugs including mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) are widely accepted part of an immunosuppressive therapy following heart transplantation. Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are routinely administered after cardiac surgery procedures including transplantation. They may also have impact on mycophenolate acid (MPA) serum levels.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: There were 30 consecutive patients (28 male and 2 female patients) with a mean age of 45±12 years who were enrolled into this study. MPA serum levels were studied; PPIs were intravenously and orally administered.

RESULTS: The mean MPA plasma concentrations were statistically significantly different between parenteral group (2.3±1.4 umg/mL) and oral group (3.1±2.2 umg/mL) (P=0.036) before immunosuppressive drug administration (C-0 time). There was a statistically significant different drug concentration at the second sample time C-30 (30 minutes after drug intake) reaching 4.4±2.8 umg/mL versus 7.9±4.5 umg/mL (P<0.05). There was no statistically significant difference in MPA plasma concentration at the 3rd measurement C-120 (10.7±4,9 umg/mL versus 9.8±5 umg/mL) (P=0.3). There is a statistically significant different MMF serum concentration after oral intake and intravenous infusion at C-30 (2.4±1.4 in group 1 versus 3.3±2.5 in group 2, P<0.036) but not at C-120 time interval (8.9±5.0 versus 9.8±5.3 in group 1 and 2, respectively) (P=0.3).

CONCLUSIONS: Our study was the first study that compared different routes of PPI co-administration on MPA serum levels in a transplant recipient group. Our study revealed that the parenteral route of administration only slowed not decreased MPA pharmacokinetics within 120 minutes following MMF administration.

Keywords: Drug Interactions, Heart Transplantation, Mycophenolic Acid, proton pump inhibitors, Immunosuppressive Agents, transplant recipients

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Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358