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14 August 2020 : Original article  

Long-Term Outcome of Live Kidney Donation in South Korea

Jee Yeon Kim1CDEF, Dong Hyun Kim1BCDE, Ye-Jee Kim2BCD, Ji Yoon Choi1BCD, Hyunwook Kwon1BCD, Youngmin Ko1BCD, Joo Hee Jung1B, Chung Hee Baek3B, Hyosang Kim3B, Su-Kil Park3B, Soon Bae Kim3B, Sang Koo Lee3B, Yura Lee4CD, Young Hoon Kim1ABE, Duck Jong Han1ABE, Sung Shin1ABCDEFG*

DOI: 10.12659/AOT.923065

Ann Transplant 2020; 25:e923065

Supplementary Table 1 Characteristics of the 200 donors with measured glomerular filtration rates (mGFR).

Total donors (N=1607)With mGFR (N=200)Without mGFR (N=1407)p-value
Age, yr, median (range)42 (16–72)41 (16–64)42 (17–72)0.287
Sex (M: F)794: 813108: 92686: 7210.174
BMI, kg/m, mean±SD24.0±3.423.8±3.224.0±3.40.459
Current smoker, n (%)368 (22.9)53 (26.5)315 (22.4)0.208
Hypertension, n (%)292 (18.2)39 (19.5)253 (18.0)0.624
Diabetes mellitus, n (%)6 (0.4)06 (0.4)1.000
History of Tbc, n (%)45 (2.8)2 (1.0)43 (3.1)0.111
Hepatitis B, n (%)6 (0.4)06 (0.4)1.000
Hepatitis C, n (%)1 (0.1)01 (0.1)1.000
History of malignancy, n (%)10 (0.6)010 (0.7)0.623
Creatinine clearance, ml/min ±SD115.0±29.8111.9±26.0115.4±30.30.116
Proteinuria, mg/day ±SD94.9±242.393.8±62.195.1±257.80.944
Serum creatinine, mg/dl ±SD0.80±0.200.82±0.160.79±0.170.035
eGFR (CKD-EPI), ml/min/1.73 m ±SD104.2±13.6103.3±13.5104.3±13.60.324
Hemoglobin A1c, % ±SD5.6±0.35.6±0.35.6±0.30.385
Left kidney donation, n (%)963 (59.9)113 (56.5)850 (60.5)0.334
Stone in donated kidney, n (%)71 (4.5)8 (4.0)63 (4.5)0.525
Stone in remaining kidney, n (%)12 (0.8)1 (0.5)11 (0.8)0.536
Follow-up, yr, median (range)4.9 (0.5–26)8.8 (1–26)4.5 (1–26)< 0.001
BMI – body mass index; SD – standard deviation; Tbc – tuberculosis; eGFR – estimated glomerular filtration rate.

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Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358
Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358