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19 January 2021: Original Paper

Sirolimus Adverse Event Profile in a Non-Clinical Trial Cohort of Heart Transplantation Patients

Karim Sallam 12DEFG , Geetha P. Bhumireddy 2B , Vishnu D. Evuri 2B , Joshua P. Abella 2BC , Francois Haddad 1D , Hannah A. Valantine 1AD , Patricia K. Nguyen 12CDE , Michael X. Pham 3ADEG*

DOI: 10.12659/AOT.923536

Ann Transplant 2021; 26:e923536

Table 2 Drug related adverse events.

Adverse eventSirolimus (N=109)MMF (N=112)P-value
Any adverse event77 (70.6%)45 (40.2%)
Elevated TG (>300 mg/dL)32 (29.3%)8 (7.1%)
Lower extremity edema22 (20.1%)10 (8.9%)0.02
Wound healing complications14 (12.8%)6 (5.4%)
Superficial sternal wound healing31
Deep sternal wound healing61
 Superficial sternal wound infection10
 Deep sternal wound infection04
 Non-sternal wound healing
  Abdominal wound10
  Thoracic wound10
Leukopenia (WBC14 (12.8%)19 (17.0%)0.39
Anemia (Hematocrit14 (12.8%)7 (6.3%)0.09
Elevated LDL (>160 mg/dL)8 (7.3%)5 (4.5%)0.36
Alveolar hemorrhage00
Thrombocytopenia (Platelet count7 (6.4%)1 (0.9%)0.03
Oral ulcerations6 (5.5%)00.01
Pleural effusion requiring drainage5 (4.6%)4 (3.6%)0.96
Retrosternal fluid collection (sterile)4 (4.0%)1 (0.9%)0.17
Recurrent pericardial effusion* 3 (2.8%)3 (2.7%)1.0
Joint pain2 (1.9%)0
Gastrointestinal intolerance2 (1.9%)12 (11%)0.01
Thrombosis1 (0.9%)00.3
Dermatitis1 (0.9%)1 (0.9%)0.98
* Requiring ≥2 therapeutic pericardiocenteses or creation of a pericardial window.

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Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358
Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358