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24 November 2020 : Original article  

Role of Renal Replacement Therapy During the Peri-Transplant Period of Heart Transplantation

Sua Lee1ABCDEF, Tae Hyun Ban2ABCDEF*, Hoon Suk Park2BF, Suk Min Seo3EF, Byung Ha Chung45CF, Jihyang Lim6EF, Eun-Jee Oh7BC, Bumsoon Choi2EF, Cheol Whee Park4EF, Chul Woo Yang45CDE, Sang Hong Baek8DE, Yong-Soo Kim4EF

DOI: 10.12659/AOT.925648

Ann Transplant 2020; 25:e925648

Table 2 Comparison of clinical outcomes between non-RRT and RRT groups.

VariableNon-RRT (n=5)RRT (n=10)P value
Time of AKI, n (%)1.000
 Pre-transplantation4 (80.0)9 (90.0)
 Post-transplantation1 (20.0)1 (10.0)
AKI stage, n (%)0.661
 Stage I2 (40.0)2 (20.0)
 Stage II1 (20.0)4 (40.0)
 Stage III2 (40.0)4 (40.0)
ECMO during pre-transplant period, n (%)4 (80.0)9 (90.0)1.000
Duration of ECMO (days), mean±SD11.3±12.710.2±6.80.796
Urine volume during AKI period, ml/kg/hr, mean±SD1.6±1.21.4±1.20.660
Interval from AKI to RRT start (days), mean±SDNA1.3±1.3
Duration of RRT (days), median (IQR)NA19.0 (5.0, 27.0)
Type of RRT, n (%)
 CRRTNA9 (90.0)
 Intermittent HDNA1 (10.0)
Recovery from AKI, n (%)5 (100)7 (70.0)0.505
 Full recovery4 (80.0)4 (40.0)0.576
 Partial recovery1 (20.0)3 (30.0)0.576
Interval from AKI to renal function recovery after HT (days), median (IQR)6.0 (3.5, 15.5)22.0 (20.0, 64.0)0.088
AKI – acute kidney injury; CRRT – continuous renal replacement therapy; ECMO – extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; HD – hemodialysis; HT – heart transplantation; IQR – interquartile range; RRT – renal replacement therapy; SD – standard deviation.

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Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358
Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358