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11 December 2020 : Original article  

Outcomes of Non-Cryopreserved Versus Cryopreserved Peripheral Blood Stem Cells for Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation in Multiple Myeloma

Pokpong Piriyakhuntorn1ABCDE*, Adisak Tantiworawit1AE, Thanawat Rattanathammethee1E, Sasinee Hantrakool1E, Chatree Chai-Adisaksopha1E, Ekarat Rattarittamrong1E, Lalita Norasetthada1E

DOI: 10.12659/AOT.927084

Ann Transplant 2020; 25:e927084

Table 2 Transplant-related outcomes.

OutcomesNon-cryopreserved (N=26)Cryopreserved (N=16)P-value
Time to neutrophil engraftment (days) – median (range)12 (10–19)10.5 (8–20)0.203
Time to platelet engraftment (days) – median (range)14 (10–23)12 (10–31)0.809
Incidence of graft failure – no. (%)001.000
Transplant-related mortality – no. (%)1 (3.8)00.619
CD34 cell dose (×10/kg) – median (range)3.8 (2.0–16.5)4.7 (2.3–29.1)0.062
CD34 cell viability (%) – median (range)98.5 (94–99)93.5 (70–98)<0.001
Infusion-related AEs – no. (%)5 (19.2)6 (37.5)0.172
Infectious complications – no. (%)0.765
 Fever of unknown origin14 (53.8)9 (56.2)
 Microbiologically documented infection6 (23.1)2 (12.5)
 Clinically documented infection6 (23.1)5 (31.3)
Duration of hospitalization (days) – median (range)
 Entire cohort25.5 (18–30)33 (17–55)0.002
 Only G-CSF mobilization25.5 (18–30)32 (17–50)0.064
Total cost of ASCT (in 1,000 USD) – mean±SD
 Entire cohort10.6±2.411.8±5.10.314
 Only G-CSF mobilization10.6±2.412.6±5.80.288
 Only first ASCT10.6±2.412.9±3.50.026
AE – adverse event; ASCT – autologous stem cell transplantation; G-CSF – granulocyte colony stimulating factor.

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Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358
Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358