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16 July 2021 : Original article  

Risk Factors Influencing the Outcomes of Kidney Re-Transplantation

Anke Schwarz1ADEF*, Frank Schäfer1AB, Theodor Framke2CD, Silvia Linnenweber-Held1AB, Nicolas Richter3BD, Hermann Haller1DE

DOI: 10.12659/AOT.928922

Ann Transplant 2021; 26:e928922

Table 2 Outcome of patient group TX2 (re-transplantation) compared to TX1 (first transplantation) serving as control.

Tx1 N (%)Tx2 N (%)p-value
Graft failure by rejection14 (21.21)29 (32.22)0.0137
 Acute rejection210
 Chronic rejection1219
Graft failure by infection3 (4.55)5 (5.56)0.4795
 BK-Viral nephropathy22
Graft failure by various reasons19 (28.79)13 (14.44)0.2733
 Recurrence or de novo HUS11
 Recurrence or de novo GN41
 Recurrence of diabetes10
 Early vascular damage40
 After PTCA10
 After PTA10
 After perforating diverticulitis10
 Relapsing UT obturation01
 Cardiac insufficiency11
 Donor-derived renal damage03
 Not clarified56
Death with functioning graft30 (45.45)43 (47.78)0.0796
 Death by infection10210.0411
 Death by cardiovascular disease99
 Death by malignoma99
 Death by suicide02
 Cause of death not clarified22
HUS– haemolytic uremic syndrome; GN – glomerulonephritis; PTCA – percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty; PTA – percutaneous transluminal angioplasty; UT – urinary tract.

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Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358
Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358