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12 November 2021 : Original article  

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients: A Case-Control Study

Alejandro Muñoz Serrano1ABDEF*, Ana Arias2ABDE, Víctor Moreno-Torres ORCID logo1BE, Jorge Calderón1B, Natalia Vicente3DE, Valentín Cuervas-Mons14ADEF

DOI: 10.12659/AOT.933152

Ann Transplant 2021; 26:e933152

Table 1 Epidemiological and clinical characteristics.

All patients (N=116)SOT-recipients (N=32)No-SOT patients (N=84)p
 Median (IQR)66 [61.5–71]66.5 [63.5–72]65.5 [60–70.5]0.40
 Distribution (%)
  28 (24.1)6 (18.7)22 (26.2)
  61–70 years58 (50)17 (53.1)41 (48.8)
  >71 years30 (25.9)9 (28.1)21 (25)
Female gender (%)24 (20.7)7 (21.9)17 (20.2)0.84
Hypertension (%)65 (56)21 (65.6)44 (52.4)0.2
Diabetes (%)34 (29.3)14 (43.7)20 (23.8)0.03
Chronic heart failure (%)15 (12.9)10 (31.2)5 (5.9)
Coronary heart disease (%)11 (9.5)5 (15.6)6 (7.1)0.16
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (%)16 (13.8)8 (25)8 (9.5)0.03
Chronic renal disease (%)23 (19.8)20 (62.5)3 (3.6)
Median Charlson Index (IQR)3 [2–5.5]6 [3–8]3 [2–4]
Days from clinical onset to admission (IQR)6 (4–9)6.5 [3–9.5]6 [4–8]0.79
Fever on admision (%)104 (89.7)25 (78.1)79 (94.1)0.01
Maximum temperature during hospitalization0.15
15 (12.9)7 (21.9)8 (9.5)
 37.4–38°C (%)37 (31.9)12 (37.5)25 (29.8)
 38.1–39°C (%)55 (47.4)12 (37.5)43 (51.2)
 >39°C (%)19 (7.7)1 (3.1)8 (9.5)
Dry cough84 (72.4)20 (62.5)67 (76.2)0.14
Dyspnea59 (50.9)14 (43.7)45 (53.6)0.34
Diarrhea24 (20.7)10 (31.2)14 (16.7)0.08
Myalgia or arthralgia42 (36.2)11 (34.4)31 (36.9)0.8
SaO2/FiO2 on admision447.62 [428.6–457.1]452.38 [442.9–461.9]442.86 [419.1–452.4]
Severe ARDS during admision (%)37 (31.9)9 (28.1)28 (33.3)0.59
Highest level of respiratory support (%)
 Room air28 (24.1)12 (37.5)16 (19.1)0.07
 Nasal cannula45 (38.8)11 (34.4)34 (40.5)
 Non-rebreather-mask20 (17.2)3 (9.4)17 (20.2)
 High flow or BiPAP9 (7.7)5 (15.6)4 (4.8)0.12
 Intubation14 (12.1)1 (3.1)13 (15.5)0.13
Days to worst respiratory parameters since clinical onset11 [9–15]15 [10–21]11 [9–14]0.01
Results are expressed as mean±standard deviation and number (percentage). SOT – solid organ transplant; IQR – interquartile ranges; SaO2/FiO2 – arterial oxygen saturation and inspiratory oxygen fraction ratio; BiPAP – bilevel positive airway pressure.

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Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358
Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358