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24 October 2023 : Original article  

Naples Prognostic Score for Graft Functions After Renal Transplantation: A Retrospective Analysis

İsmail Aytaç1ABCDEFG, Betül Güven Aytaç1ABCDEFG*, Oya Kilci1ABCDEFG, Erkan Ölçücüoğlu2ABCDEFG

DOI: 10.12659/AOT.942007

Ann Transplant 2023; 28:e942007

Table 2 Baseline demographic and clinical characteristics of patients.

All (n=93)Grup A (n=46)Grup B (n=47)p value
Age (years), mean (SD)40.8±13.939.8±14.741.8±13.20.495
Sex, n (%)
 Male60 (64.5)27 (58.7)33 (70.2)0.246
 Female33 (35.5)19 (41.3)14 (29.8)
BMI (kg/m)24.0±4.423.8±4.224.1±4.60.803
Dialysis time (months) Median [IQR]18 [44]17 [240]21 [118]0.942
ASA 3–4, n (%)70 (75.3)32 (69.6)38 (80.9)0.107
Operation time (h)6.18±0.996.13±1.106.10±0.910.909
Living donor68 (73.1%)37 (80.4%)31 (66.0%)0.115
 (0–2)63 (67.7)36 (78.3)27 (57.4)
 (3–4)30 (32.3)10 (21.7)20 (42.6)
CONUT2 (1–3)2 (1–3)2 (1–3)0.978
SIS n (%)
 029 (31.2%)17 (37%)12 (25.5%)0.178
 145 (48.4%)23 (50%)22 (46.8%)
 219 (20.4%)6 (13%)13 (27.7%)
Hemoglobin (g/dL)11.0±2.210.8±2.011.3±2.40.268
Lymphocyte (/mm)1.72±0.61.74±0.611.71±0.670.813
Neutrophil (/mm)4.36±2.023.95±1.934.78±2.04
Monocyte (/mm)0.41±0.150.38±0.130.44±0.160.055
Platelet (/mm)225.7±81.5215.6±85.5235.7±76.90.235
Creatinine (mg/dL)5.83±2.255.70±2.135.97±2.380.564
Albumin (mg/dL)41.9±4.941.8±4.642.0±5.30.850
Total cholesterol (mg/dL)168.2±52.3164.5±59.6171.8±44.30.502
SD – standart deviation; BMI – Body Mass Index; IQR – Interquartile Range, ASA – American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status; NPS – Naples Prognostic Score; PLR – platelet/lymphocyte ratio; LMR – lymphocyte/monocyte ratio; NLR – neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio; CONUT – controlling nutritional status; SIS – systemic inflammatory score.

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Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358
Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358