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18 June 2024 : Original article  

Implementation and Evaluation of Discharge Planning for Patients Undergoing Umbilical Cord Blood Transplantation

Lu Huang ORCID logo12ABCDEFG, Yan Zhu2ABCDEF, Yun Wu2A, Ying-Ying Wang2A, Gui-qi Song3A, Kai-di Song2A, Yao-hua Wu1A, Yong-Liang Zhang4ADG*

DOI: 10.12659/AOT.943770

Ann Transplant 2024; 29:e943770

Table 1 Discharge planning based on the theory of “Timing It Right.”

PhaseTimeSettingCare content and patient needs
Event/UCBT5–7 days beforeAdmissionShort durationHomeInformation: preparation for admissionEmotional: psychological and social support assessmentTraining: physical activity level assessmentMethods: offering health education online, face-to-face assessment at admission
StabilizationAcute phase of UCBTModerate durationHospitalInformation: management of symptom and complicationsEmotional: mental and relaxation training, social supportTraining: moderate intensity exercise intervention, 3 days/weeklyMethods: individualized professional care, face-to-face coaching
PreparationAfter engraftmentModerate durationHospitalInformation: preparation for dischargeEmotional: mental and relaxation training, social supportTraining: moderate intensity exercise intervention, 5 days/weeklyMethods: individualized professional care, face to face coaching
ImplementationFirst few weeks after dischargeModerate durationHomeInformation: management of every-day home careEmotional: mental and relaxation training, social supportTraining: moderate intensity exercise intervention, 5 days/weeklyMethods: individualized home care guidance, telephone follow-up, home visit, online coaching via WeChat group and HSCT network consulting clinic
AdaptationAfter a period of adjustment in the homeLong durationHomeInformation: returning to their communityEmotional: mental and relaxation training, social supportTraining: moderate to vigorous intensity exercise intervention, 5 days/weeklyMethods: individualized home care guidance, telephone follow-up, home visit, online coaching via WeChat group and HSCT network consulting clinic

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Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358
Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358