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03 September 2024 : Original article  

Mechanical Preservation and Delayed Graft Function and Hospital Length of Stay as Deployed in the United States: Analysis of the Last Decade

Douglas S. Keith ORCID logo1ACDEF*, Elizabeth Lessmann1DEF

DOI: 10.12659/AOT.944338

Ann Transplant 2024; 29:e944338

Table 2 Risk reduction of DGF with mechanical preservation.

Donor typeOdds ratio of DGF95% Confidence IntervalSignificance
Brain dead SCD donors0.6170.5930.642
DCD donors0.6820.6450.721
Model included donor age, SRTR race, ethnicity, gender, donor creatinine, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, death by CVA, smoking, iontrope use, cocaine use, EtOH use, cold ischemia time, and time on dialysis prior to transplant; ECD analysis also included DCD status.

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Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358
Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358