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24 December 2024 : Original article  

Lung Transplant Success in COVID-19 Patients Requiring V-V ECMO: One-Year Follow-Up

Mazen F. Odish ORCID logo1ABCDE*, Travis Pollema ORCID logo2ACDE, Christine M. Lin ORCID logo1BCEF, Robert L. Owens1CE, Cassia Yi2BE, Shannon LeBlanc1BE, Chelsea Roche1BE, Catherine Gaissert1BCE, Gordon Yung1BCE, Aarya Kafi1BCE, Eugene M. Golts2ACE, Kamyar Afshar1ABCEF

DOI: 10.12659/AOT.946088

Ann Transplant 2024; 29:e946088

Table 1 Demographics and characteristics of patients with COVID-19 on V-V ECMO who received and did not receive lung transplantation. Data are n (%), median (IQR), n, or n/n (%) unless stated otherwise.

Patients with COVID-19 ARDS with lung transplantationPatients with COVID-19 ARDS without lung transplantation
 Female3 (33%)17 (21)
 Male6 (66%)65 (79)
Age (years)48 (36–55)47 (38–54)
Body mass index (kg/m)28.8 (23.1–30.3)31.8 (28.7–34.7)
Blood group
 A2 (22%)
 B1 (11%)
 O6 (66%)
 AB0 (0%)
 White7 (77%)67 (81)
 Black0 (0%)2 (2)
 Asian2 (22%)6 (7)
 Native Pacific islander02 (2)
 More than 1 race04 (5)
Hispanic ethnicity5 (56)60 (73)
Vaccination status
 Unvaccinated8 (89%)65 (79)
 Vaccinated1 (11%)4 (5)
 Unknown013 (16)
Treatment for COVID-19
 Corticosteroids9 (100%)71 (87)
 Tocilizumab2 (22%)14 (17)
 Remdesivir5 (56%)62 (76)
 Baricitinib2 (22%)8 (10)
 Immunoglobulins0 (0%)1 (1)
SOFA Score at ICU admission8.0 (6.0–8.0)8 (5.0–9.0)
APACHE II Score at ICU admission23.0 (15.0–29.0)
 V-V ECMO (single dual-lumen cannula)3 (33)3 (4)
 V-V ECMO (2 cannulae)6 (66)78 (95)
 Second drainage cannula4 (44)4 (5)
 Length of support (days)57 (53–78)25 (14–44)
ECLS Complications
 Air entrapment2 (22)0 (0)
 Hemorrhage (>3 units pRBC)8 (89)24 (29)
 Venous thromboembolism4 (44)14 (17)
 Cerebrovascular accident1 (11)15 (18)
 Seizure1 (11)2 (2)
 Cardiac arrest5 (55)8 (10)
 Limb amputation1 (11)3 (4)
 Renal replacement therapy1 (11)26 (32)
 Bacterial infection8 (89)
 Fungal infection3 (33)
Survival to hospital discharge9 (100)36 (44)
SOFA – sequential related organ failure assessment; APACHE – acute physiology and chronic health evaluation; ECLS – extracorporeal life support; V-V ECMO – veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; pRBC – packed red blood cells.

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Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358
Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358