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24 December 2024 : Original article  

Lung Transplant Success in COVID-19 Patients Requiring V-V ECMO: One-Year Follow-Up

Mazen F. Odish ORCID logo1ABCDE*, Travis Pollema ORCID logo2ACDE, Christine M. Lin ORCID logo1BCEF, Robert L. Owens1CE, Cassia Yi2BE, Shannon LeBlanc1BE, Chelsea Roche1BE, Catherine Gaissert1BCE, Gordon Yung1BCE, Aarya Kafi1BCE, Eugene M. Golts2ACE, Kamyar Afshar1ABCEF

DOI: 10.12659/AOT.946088

Ann Transplant 2024; 29:e946088

Table 2 Peri-transplant characteristics and post-transplant events. Data are n (%), median (IQR), n, or n/n (%) unless stated otherwise.

Transplanted patients with COVID-19 ARDS
Lung Allocation Score91.86 (89.0–92.1
Time on waitlist (days)21 (7–43)
Type of transplant
 Single0 (0%)
 Bilateral9 (100%)
Surgery time (skin to skin) (min)485 (433–532)
Ischemic time (min)
 Right lung209 (181–229)
 Left lung279 (250–346)
Intraoperative blood products (# units)
 pRBC2 (1–6)
 FFP1 (0–2)
 Cryoprecipitate2 (0–2)
 Platelets0 (0–2)
Induction therapy
 Standard6 (66%)
 Non-standard2 (22%)
 Desensitization1 (11%)
PGD at 72 hours
 PGD 05 (56%)
 PGD 13 (33%)
 PGD 21 (11%)
 PGD 30
Length of mechanical ventilation after transplant (days)8 (6–15)
Total length of ICU stay (days)76 (45–141)
Length of hospital stay (days)89 (54–144)
Need for supplemental oxygen at discharge0 (0%)
Any ISHLT Grade rejection within 1 year3 (33%)
Airway dehiscence within 30 days of transplant0 (0%)
CLAD (1-year)2 (22%)
Survival (1-year)9 (100%)
pRBC – packed red blood cells; FFP – fresh frozen plasma; PGD – primary graft dysfunction; ICU – Intensive Care Unit; ISHLT – International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation; CLAD – chronic lung allograft dysfunction.

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Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358
Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358