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17 July 2020 : Original article  

Kidney Transplantation and “Sex Mismatch”: A 10-Year Single-Center Analysis

Karol Graňák1ABCDE, Lea Kováčiková1ABC, Petra Skálová1AB, Matej Vnučák1BDE, Juraj Miklušica1ABCD, Ľudovít Laca1ABC, Marián Mokáň2FG, Ivana Dedinská1ACEF*

DOI: 10.12659/AOT.921117

Ann Transplant 2020; 25:e921117

Table 6 Cox proportional hazards model (end-point eGFR ≥60 ml/min in the 5th year after KT).

eGFR ≥60 ml/min (fifth year)Hazard ratio95% CIP-value
Age of donor at the time of procurement <45 years old0.90780.5785–1.42470.6740
Age of donor at the time of procurement 45–59 years old0.90900.6292–1.31340.6115
Age of donor at the time of procurement ≥60 years old1.16000.6827–1.97100.5832
BMI of donor <20 kg/m0.95070.4271–2.11620.9015
BMI of donor 20–24.9 kg/m0.85770.5928–1.24110.4155
BMI of donor 25–29.9 kg/m1.03800.7074–1.52300.8488
BMI of donor ≥30 kg/m1.72830.9896–3.01840.0544
ECD donor1.18040.7462–1.86720.4785
eGFR of the donor at the time of procurement ≥60 ml/min0.73630.4650–1.16580.1917
eGFR of the donor at the time of procurement 30–59 ml/min1.35410.8686–2.11100.1809
QVPU of the donor before procurement ≥0.300 G/24 hours0.92080.6254–1.35580.6761
Age of recipient <45 years old1.01800.7078–1.46410.9235
Age of recipient ≥45 years old1.04330.7142–1.52410.8263
CIT <359 min1.56750.8884–2.76560.1208
CIT 360–719 min1.48530.9485–2.32600.0838
CIT ≥720 min0.67560.4447–1.02650.0662
DGF* 0.72950.3598–1.47900.3818
Induction: basiliximab/daclizumab0.43470.2998–0.6302
Induction: thymoglobulin4.77033.2183–7.0708
Acute rejection in anamnesis** 0.39420.2287–0.6794
Female donor/female recipient1.25070.6789–2.30400.4729
Female donor/male recipient0.71610.4550–1.12710.1491
Male donor/female recipient0.12820.0520–0.3157
Male donor/male recipient0.96610.6421–1.45360.8684
BMI – body mass index; ECD – expanded criteria donors; eGFR – estimated glomerular filtration rate (pursuant to CKD/EPI formula); QVPU – quantitative proteinuria; CIT – cold ischemia time; DGF – delayed graft function; D – day; M – month; Y – year.
* Need for dialysis treatment in the first week after kidney transplantation;
** follow up: 1 year.

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Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358
Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358