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28 July 2020 : Original article  

Effect of Concentration/Dose Ratio in De Novo Kidney Transplant Recipients Receiving LCP-Tacrolimus or Immediate-Release Tacrolimus: Post Hoc Analysis of a Phase 3 Clinical Trial

Barbara Suwelack1ABDE*, Suphamai Bunnapradist2BDE, Ulf Meier-Kriesche3ACDE, Daniel R. Stevens3ACDE, Claudio Procaccianti4ACDE, Roberto Morganti4ACDE, Klemens Budde5ACDE

DOI: 10.12659/AOT.923278

Ann Transplant 2020; 25:e923278

Table 1 Baseline characteristics.

CharacteristicRapid metabolizersIntermediate metabolizersSlow metabolizers
LCPT (n=82)IR-Tac (n=82)LCPT (n=83)IR-Tac (n=85)LCPT (n=82)IR-Tac (n=82)
Age (years), mean (SD)42.5 (12.87)43.6 (13.61)44.4 (12.95)45.6 (14.58)46.2 (13.69)49.0 (14.64)
Sex, n (%)
 Male51 (62.2%)56 (68.3%)54 (65.1%)53 (62.4%)59 (72.0%)58 (70.7%)
 Female31 (37.8%)26 (31.7%)29 (34.9%)32 (37.6%)23 (28.0%)24 (29.3%)
Race, n (%)
 White55 (67.1%)59 (72.0%)64 (77.1%)69 (81.2%)65 (79.3%)63 (76.8%)
 Black or African American7 (8.5%)6 (7.3%)05 (5.9%)2 (2.4%)3 (3.7%)
 Asian4 (4.9%)4 (4.9%)5 (6.0%)2 (2.4%)1 (1.2%)4 (4.9%)
 Other16 (19.5%)13 (15.9%)14 (16.9%)9 (10.6%)14 (17.1%)12 (14.6%)
Donor type, n (%)
 Living42 (51.2%)37 (45.1%)45 (54.2%)36 (42.4%)41 (50.0%)44 (53.7%)
 Deceased40 (48.8%)45 (54.9%)38 (45.8%)49 (57.6%)41 (50.0%)38 (46.3%)
Previous transplant, n (%)4 (4.9%)1 (1.2%)7 (8.4%)6 (7.1%)04 (4.9%)
Treatment duration (days), mean (SD)569.5 (256.23)634.6 (192.13)669.0 (153.26)633.0 (199.57)621.6 (206.44)637.2 (192.09)
C/D ratio* <0.96<0.860.96–1.530.86–1.38>1.53>1.38
Analysis population consisted of patients who had a calculable day 30 C/D ratio based on central or local laboratory data. C/D – concentration/dose; IR-Tac – immediate-release tacrolimus; LCPT – LCP-tacrolimus; SD – standard deviation.
* C/D ratio cutoffs differ between formulations because of inherent differences in bioavailability; LCPT has a higher bioavailability resulting in lower average doses.

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Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358
Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358