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20 November 2020 : Review article  

Infertility in Female and Male Solid Organ Recipients – From Diagnosis to Treatment: An Up-To-Date Review of the Literature

Iwona Szymusik1ABCDEF, Damian Warzecha1ABCDEFG*, Mirosław Wielgoś1DEG, Bronisława Pietrzak1ACDEFG

DOI: 10.12659/AOT.923592

Ann Transplant 2020; 25:e923592

Table 1 IVF pregnancies in solid organ recipients (published data).

Authors/year of publicationTransplanted organCause of infertilityNumber of fetusesPregnancy complicationsGestational week at delivery
Lockwood et al., 1995 []58 KidneyTubal factor2Deep vein thrombosis, PROM29
Furman et al., 1999 [59 (2 cases)KidneyAnovulation2Preeclampsia33
3 (reduced to 2)No complications36
Khalaf et al., 2000 []60 KidneyTubal factor2OHSS30
Case et al., 2000 []61 LiverMale factor2Preeclampsia34
Tamaki et al., 2003 []62 KidneyNo data1No data35
Ulug et al., 2005 []63 LiverMale factor1Preterm delivery31
Fichez et al., 2008 []64 Kidney and pancreasTubal factor1Hypertension34
Nouri et al., 2011 []65 KidneyMale factor1No complications37
Choi et al., 2013 []65 LiverMale factor, endometriosis1No complications38
Norrman et al., 2014 [] (7 women, 8 IVF pregnancies; Swedish population – deliveries in 1996–2007; one woman – 2 IVF deliveries)67 KidneyNo data2Hypertension, anemia30
1No complications40
1Kidney function deterioration39
1No complications38
1Kidney function deterioration36
1Severe preeclampsia, IUGR27
1No complications38
Pietrzak et al., 2015 []68 KidneyTubal factor1Preeclampsia, IUGR, anemia34
Warzecha et al., 2018 (3 cases) []69 KidneyTubal factorA case described earlier by Pietrzak et al., the same patient underwent another IVF procedure and delivered at 36 weeks (personal unpublished data)
Idiopathic infertility1Gestational diabetes36
Tubal factor1Preeclampsia34
PROM – premature rupture of membranes; IUGR – intrauterine growth restriction; OHSS – ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.

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Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358
Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358