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04 August 2020 : Original article  

Inferior Vena Cava Constriction After Liver Transplantation Is a Severe Complication Requiring Individually Adapted Treatment: Report of a Single-Center Experience

Jan-Paul Gundlach1CDEF*, Rainer Günther2B, Marcus Both3BD, Jens Trentmann3BD, Jost Philipp Schäfer3BCD, Jochen T. Cremer4B, Christoph Röcken5BDE, Thomas Becker1DEG, Felix Braun1ABD, Alexander Bernsmeier1CDE

DOI: 10.12659/AOT.925194

Ann Transplant 2020; 25:e925194

Table 1 Literature overview of systematic studies comprising thrombosis and stenosis with respective diagnostic tools and treatment options.

#Author & yearTime of study (yrs)Thrombosis vs. stenosisNumber of findings/LT (patients)ChildrenMethod & time of diagnosisTreatment & outcome (n)
1Cardella JF et al.1986 []12 t+s5/46PartlyAngiography (n=18)PTA (1)
2Wozney P et al.1986 []2 5t1/625 (477)n=204Angiography (n=104)1 mRe-LT
3Stiglbauer R et al.1990 []13 s12/159Angiography (n=34)45 dWatch & wait or revision
4Raby N et al.1991 []14 s(+t)4/600US+angiography8 m – 4.5 yrsPTA (3), revision (1); 1 died
5Brouwers MA et al.1994 []7 14t+s6/245USRevision; thrombectomy transarterial or via cavotomy
6Kok T et al.1998 []15 t+s9/268US + angiography
7Settmacher U et al.2000 []8 10s17/1000US (add. angiography, CT scan, or MRI)1w – 3.5 yrsConservative (1), PTA (3), surgical (4), Denver shunt (3), Re-LT (5); 3 died
8Buell JF et al.2002 []16 12s12/600 (325)YesUS+angiography2 m + 10 yrsPTA (6) or stenting (4); 2 late recurrence
9Jiang L et al.2002 []17 s6/46US + angiographyPTA or stenting
10Jia YP et al.2007 []18 7t10/286PartlyUS5–13 dDrug therapy
11Yilmaz A et al.2007 []19 8s6/75YesPTA, stenting; Re-LT
12Ma Y et al.2008 []20 7s10/776US + angiographyPTA (8) or stent, Re-LT (2); 3 died
13Boraschi C et al.2016 []21 4t1/170US + multidetector CT90 dDrug therapy
14Galloux A et al.2018 []22 24s26/917 (792)YesDay 1–8.75 yrsRe-LT (3)
15Gundlach JP et al.20204t+s6/138 (125)US, CT + angiography1 w – 9 mInterv. thrombectomy, AV-fistula + PTA (1); transartrial thrombectomy (1); PTA (1) or conservative; 3 died
Systematic studies (>10 patients) with emphasis on vascular complications. The table gives detailed information on covered years within the studies; number of stenotic (s) or thrombotic (t) findings and pediatric transplantations. In addition, diagnostic options are demonstrated (US – ultrasound; CT – computer tomography; MRI – magnetic resonance imaging), the time of postoperative diagnosis (d – days; m – months; yrs – years) period after LT (time), and an overview of the treatment options.

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Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358
Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358