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09 April 2021 : Original article  

Hand-Assisted Laparoscopic Donor Nephrectomy in Living Donors with a History of Abdominal Surgery: A Retrospective Cohort Study

Takahisa Hiramitsu1ABCDEF*, Toshihide Tomosugi1B, Kenta Futamura1C, Manabu Okada1D, Norihiko Goto1E, Shunji Narumi1F, Kazuharu Uchida2F, Yoshihiko Watarai1D

DOI: 10.12659/AOT.929752

Ann Transplant 2021; 26:e929752

Table 3 Results of left and right HALDNs.

Group AGroup BP valueOdds ratio95% CIGroup CGroup DP valueOdds ratio95% CI
Operative duration (min; mean±SD)212.1 ±46.7222.6 ±46.80.152−3.902 to 25.009233.5 ±41.0224.5 ±33.20.578−9.000 to 15.903
Blood loss (ml; mean±SD)37.1 ±47.433.9 ±52.40.70212.952 to 11.98941.8 ±45.8184.6 ±424.20.28142.727 to 128.630
Warm ischemia time (s; mean±SD)131.3 ±29.8134.4 ±43.20.636−9.917 to 16.219171.0 ±32.9160.8 ±43.90.545−10.182 to 16.535
ComplicationsOpen conversion01 (0.20%)0.99901 (9.0%)0.999
Wound infection9 (20.5%)59 (12.1%)0.1521.0660.968 to 1.1742 (18.2%)1 (9.0%)0.9991.5790.301 to 8.273
Postoperative bleeding01 (0.20%)0.99900
Incisional hernia02 (0.41%)0.9991 (9.0%)1 (9.0%)0.99910.234 to 4.278
Adhesive intestinal obstruction02 (0.41%)0.99900
Graft weight (g; mean±SD)167.2 ±31.7178.2 ±42.00.0370.706 to 21.296160.3 ±29.1175.0 ±33.00.28314.646 to 13.271
≥2 graft arteries9 (20.5%)114 (23.3%)0.8523 (27.3%)3 (27.3%)0.999
Graft arterial length (mm; mean±SD)24.2 ±5.625.7 ±5.40.084−0.199 to 3.19531.6 ±8.726.7 ±7.70.175−4.909 to 3.488
Graft venous length (mm; mean±SD)22.1 ±5.523.5 ±6.00.153−0.501 to 3.20418.2 ±5.115.6 ±5.20.263−2.545 to 2.212
Graft ureteric length (mm; mean±SD)103.8 ±15.7108.8 ±33.90.331−5.122 to 15.18798.9 ±30.4109.5 ±17.60.32910.591 to 10.596
95% CI – 95% confidence interval; HALDN – hand-assisted laparoscopic donor nephrectomy; SD – standard deviation.

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Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358
Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358