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02 March 2021 : Original article  

Kidney Transplant Evaluation and Listing: Development and Preliminary Evaluation of Multimedia Education for Patients

Liise K. Kayler12ABCDE*, Beth Dolph1E, Molly Ranahan2CE, Maria Keller3CE, Renee Cadzow4E, Thomas H. Feeley5CE

DOI: 10.12659/AOT.929839

Ann Transplant 2021; 26:e929839

Table 3 Animation title and corresponding content.

Characteristic % or median (range or numerator/denominator)Video development participants* N=25Video evaluation participants N=28
Kidney transplant candidates10
Kidney transplant recipients10n/a
Age, years53 (27– 69)57 (35– 76)
Sex, Male32% (8/25)43% (12/28)
  Black44% (11/25)32% (9/28)
  Non-Hispanic white48% (12/25)54% (15/28)
  Asian8% (2/25)3.6% (1/28)
  Other0% (0/25)11% (3/28)
Dialysis duration
  Not on dialysis25% (5/20)25% (7/28)
  < 1 year15% (3/20)29% (8/28)
  1 to 3 years30% (6/20)29% (8/28)
  > 3 years30% (6/20)18% (5/28)
  Below High School4% (1/25)0% (0/28)
  High School or trade school graduate52% (13/25)36% (10/28)
  Some college or higher44% (11/25)64% (18/28)
Lives with another adult in the household44% (11/25)68% (19/28)
Full- or part-time employment36% (9/25)29% (8/28)
Total household yearly income
  ≤ US$ 30,00036% (9/25)39% (11/28)
  US$ 30,000– 50,00024% (6/25)14% (4/28)
  > US$ 50,0008% (2/25)39% (11/28)
  No response32% (8/25)7% (2/28)
Access to Technology
  Participant has a working internet capable cellular phone84% (21/25)93% (26/28)
  Household has a working internet capable cellular phone96% (24/25)86% (24/28)
  Participant has a working computer or tablet like an iPad36% (9/25)68% (19/28)
  Household has a working computer or tablet like an iPad52% (13/25)75% (21/28)
  Participant sends or receives text messages96% (24/25)100% (28/28)
  Participant sends or receives email64% (16/25)100% (28/28)
Frequency that someone helps you read hospital materials
  Never68% (17/25)71% (20/28)
  Sometimes20.0% (5/25)21% (6/28)
  Often0% (0/25)4% (1/28)
  A lot12% (3/25)4% (1/28)
Comfort level filling out forms alone
  Very comfortable84% (21/25)90% (25/28)
  Somewhat comfortable8% (2/25)7% (2/28)
  Somewhat uncomfortable4% (1/25)4% (1/28)
  Very uncomfortable4% (1/25)0% (028)
* Data describes patient-participants.
Additional participants include 1 medical anthropologist, 3 community advisors, 24 dialysis providers, and 12 transplant providers.

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Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358
Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358