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02 March 2021 : Original article  

Kidney Transplant Evaluation and Listing: Development and Preliminary Evaluation of Multimedia Education for Patients

Liise K. Kayler12ABCDE*, Beth Dolph1E, Molly Ranahan2CE, Maria Keller3CE, Renee Cadzow4E, Thomas H. Feeley5CE

DOI: 10.12659/AOT.929839

Ann Transplant 2021; 26:e929839

Table 7 Comparison of participant knowledge scores before and after video viewing.

Knowledge (range 1– 7)Pre-testMean± SDPost-testMean± SD% changeZ scoreEffect size (r)*P value**
Total cohort (n=28)5.68± 1.917.86± 1.6938% 4.20.57< 0.001
Education, less than college (n=10)6.10 ± 2.138.30 ± 1.3436% 2.60.570.120
Education, college level (n=18)5.44± 1.797.61± 1.8540% 3.40.570.012
High literacy/numeracy (n=19)6.00± 1.538.26± 1.3338% 3.80.610.012
Low literacy (n=9)5.00± 2.507.00± 2.1240% 2.00.480.504
Age ≥ 60 years (n=11)5.91± 1.877.82± 1.7232% 2.50.540.132
Age < 60 years (n=17)5.53± 1.977.88± 1.7343% 3.50.590.012
Dialysis ≥ 1 year (n=13)5.92± 1.898.38± 1.1942% 3.10.610.024
Dialysis < 1 year (n=15)5.47± 1.967.40± 1.9635% 3.00.540.036
< Median technology access (n=12)6.17± 1.598.33± 1.3735% 3.00.600.036
≥ Median technology access (n=16)5.31± 2.097.50± 1.8641% 3.10.550.024
Attended transplant education (n=8)6.00± 2.077.63± 2.3327% 2.00.510.492
Did not attend transplant education (n=20)5.55± 1.887.95± 1.4343% 3.80.600.012
SD – standard deviation.
* Wilcoxon Signed-Rank test Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons;
** Effect size, r=Z/N; r=Point biserial correlation.
Interpretation: 0.10=small effect, 0.24=medium effect, 0.37=large effect.

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Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358
Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358