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10 August 2021 : Original article  

The Low Utilization Rate of Donor Lungs in China: A Single-Center Experience

Jin Zhao1ABCEF, Dong Liu1AB, Jian Huang1B, Hua-chi Jiang1B, Yuan Chen1B, Hui-xing Li1B, Xiao-shan Li2CD, Jing-yu Chen1AG*

DOI: 10.12659/AOT.931409

Ann Transplant 2021; 26:e931409

Table 4 Comparison of donor characteristics, assessment findings, and validity rates between the 2 groups in stage 2.

VariablesGroup A (n=123)Group B (n=94)P
Donor characteristics
Age(years), mean±SD37.0±11.138.2±10.20.45
 Female, n (%)24 (19.5)18 (19.1)0.946
 Intubation time(days), median (IQR)6 (4–9)4 (3–7)
Donor lung assessment
 PaO/FiO (mmHg), median (IQR)445.0 (383.0–530.0)404.5 (278.0–472.3)0.003
 PaO/FiO7 (5.7)15 (16.0)0.013
 Abnormal chest X-ray/CT, n (%)13 (10.6)21 (22.3)0.018
  Extensive atelectasis420.7
  Pulmonary emphysema111
  Pulmonary thromboembolism101
 Abnormal bronchoscopy, n (%)9 (7.3)21 (22.3)0.001
  Mucopurulent secretions7200.001
 Pan-drug-resistant bacteria, n (%)a 6 (6.1)4 (7.5)1
Serological indicator, median (IQR)
 WBC (10/L)11.9 (9.1–16.4)12.9 (9.4–17.7)0.602
 PCT (ug/L)0.8 (0.2–3.1)0.7 (0.2–3.0)0.791
 CRP (mg/L)63.9 (27.1–128.0)111.5 (33.4–153.5)0.218
Interval between online notification and donation operation (h), median (IQR)b 20.5 (18.0–26.5)13.5 (9.2–19.5)0.005
Interval between the first on-site assessment and donation operation (h), median (IQR)b 11.5 (7.5–14.3)6.0 (4.3–9.8)0.03
Overallc 90 (67.7)50 (34.7)
Stage 1 (% of overall)123 (92.5)94 (65.3)
Stage 2 (% of stage 1)95 (77.2)60 (63.8)0.03
Stage 3 (% of stage 2)90 (94.7)50 (83.3)0.019
Group A: donor lungs from medical institutions with lung transplant qualification; group B: medical institutions without qualification.
a Number of cases, group A=98, group B=53;
b Number of cases, group A=87, group B=41;
c Number of cases, group A=133, group B=144.
CT – computed tomography; WBC – white blood cell count; PCT – plateletcrit; CRP – C-reactive protein; IQR – interquartile range; SD – standard deviation.

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Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358
Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358