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10 August 2021 : Original article  

The Low Utilization Rate of Donor Lungs in China: A Single-Center Experience

Jin Zhao1ABCEF, Dong Liu1AB, Jian Huang1B, Hua-chi Jiang1B, Yuan Chen1B, Hui-xing Li1B, Xiao-shan Li2CD, Jing-yu Chen1AG*

DOI: 10.12659/AOT.931409

Ann Transplant 2021; 26:e931409

Table 5 Comparison of recipient characteristics, perioperative information, and 30-day mortality rate between the 2 groups.

VariablesGroup A (n=79)Group B (n=33)P
Sex, n (%)
 Female11 (13.9)6 (18.2)0.567
 Male68 (86.1)27 (81.8)
Age, mean±SD55.0±11.657.8±9.20.221
Age ≥60, n (%)33 (41.2)14 (42.4)0.949
BMI, mean±SD20.6±4.221.2±3.50.468
preoperative mechanical ventilation or ECMO, n (%)3 (3.8)3 (9.1)0.358
Intraoperative ECMO, n (%)49 (62.0)26 (78.8)0.086
Ischemic time 1 graft (h), mean±SD6.7±1.35.8±1.90.021
Ischemic time 2 graft (h), mean±SD8.9±1.28.0±2.20.155
Grade 3 PGD, n (%)11 (13.9)6 (18.2)0.567
30-day mortality, n (%)14 (17.7)7 (21.2)0.666
Group A: donor lungs from medical institutions with lung transplant qualification; group B: medical institutions without qualification. BMI – body mass index; ECMO – extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; PGD – primary graft dysfunction; SD – standard deviation.

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Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358
Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358