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27 August 2021 : Original article  

Can Microscopic Biliary Reconstruction Reduce Biliary Complication Rate in ABO-Incompatible Adult Living Donor Liver Transplantation?

Yu-Cheng Lin1BCDEF, Tsan-Shiun Lin1ABCDF, Chih-Che Lin1ABCDEF, Yueh-Wei Liu1B, Shih-Ho Wang1B, Yi-Ju Wu1B, Wei-Feng Li1B, Yu-Hung Lin1BCDEF, Ting-Lung Lin1B, Yi-Chia Chan1B, Cheng-Hsi Yeh1B, Chih-Chi Wang1B, Chao-Long Chen1ABDEF, Chee-Chien Yong1ABCDEF*

DOI: 10.12659/AOT.931963

Ann Transplant 2021; 26:e931963

Table 3 Medical and surgical complications of ABO-incompatible and ABO-compatible patients.

ABO-i (n=30)ABO-c (n=60)p Value
In-hospital mortality02 (3.3%)0.32
Surgical complication
 Hepatic artery2 (6.6%)3 (5%)0.35
 Portal vein1 (3.3%)7 (11.7%)0.19
 Hepatic vein00
Bacteremia03 (5%)0.21
ACR within 1 year7 (23.3%)13 (21.7%)0.86
ACR – acute cellular rejection.

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Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358
Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358