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30 July 2021 : Original article  

Clinical Outcomes of Ablation Compared with Resection for Single Hepatocellular Carcinoma Lesions, as a Primary Treatment or Bridging to Liver Transplantation: A Retrospective Comparative Study

Elizabeth M. Ward1ABCDEF, Ahmed Elshawadfy Sherif12BCDEF*, Stephen O'Neill3CD, Michael Hughes1B, Hamish Ireland4DE, Stephen J. Wigmore1ADE, Anya Adair1ADE

DOI: 10.12659/AOT.931980

Ann Transplant 2021; 26:e931980

Table 4 Pattern of recurrence and tumor characteristics with ablative therapies and surgical resection.

VariableNo recurrenceLocal/margin recurrenceDe-novo recurrenceExtrahepatic recurrenceP value
 HCC lesion size (mm)* 20 (15–26.5)14.5 (14–19)20 (16–21.5)240.29
 Serum AFP (ng/mL)* 6 (4–22)4.5 (3–8)8 (3.5–15.5)140.56
 HCC lesion size (mm)* 31.5 (21–52)53 (33.5–84)38.5 (17–78)35 (21–47)0.64
 Serum AFP (ng/mL)* 8 (3.5–17.5)6 (4.5–7)15 (3.5–35)4 (3–64)0.80
 Resection margin0.71
  R033 (55.0%)7 (11.7%)9 (15.0%)11 (18.3%)0.74
  R16 (66.7%)0 (0.0%)1 (11.1%)2 (22.2%)0.84
 Tumour differentiation
  Well4 (66.7%)1 (16.7%)0 (0.0%)1 (16.7%)
  Moderate23 (52.3%)5 (11.4%)6 (13.6%)10 (22.7%)
  Poor11 (61.1%)1 (5.6%)4 (22.2%)2 (11.1%)
 Microvascular invasion
  No26 (60.5%)4 (9.3%)5 (11.6%)8 (18.6%)
  Yes14 (51.9%)3 (11.1%)5 (18.5%)5 (18.5%)
* Nonparametric variables presented with median (interquartile range).

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Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358
Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358