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29 December 2021 : Original article  

Efficacy and Safety of Tacrolimus-Based Maintenance Regimens in De Novo Kidney Transplant Recipients: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

Manjunatha T A1ABCDEF*, Rebecca Chng1ABCDEF, Wai-Ping Yau2ADE

DOI: 10.12659/AOT.933588

Ann Transplant 2021; 26:e933588

Table 4 Graft loss among all included studies in which 1 or more of the treatment arms used Advagraf or Prograf.

StudyPopulationTime pointTreatment armsNGraft loss, nGraft loss,%
Albano 2013FAS6 monthsTAC BID+MPA+CS309185.8
FAS6 monthsTAC QD_0.20+MPA+CS302299.6
FAS6 monthsTAC QD_0.20+MPA+CS (+BAS)283238.1
FAS6 monthsTAC QD_0.30+MPA+CS304206.6
PP6 monthsTAC BID+MPA+CS23773.0
PP6 monthsTAC QD_0.20+MPA+CS263114.2
PP6 monthsTAC QD_0.20+MPA+CS (+BAS)230104.3
PP6 monthsTAC QD_0.30+MPA+CS24662.4
Arns 2017ITT6 monthsTAC BID (Prograf)+MPA+CS3812.6
ITT6 monthsTAC BID (TacHexal)+MPA+CS3500
Bakr 2018ITT12 monthsTAC BID+MPA+CS6600
ITT12 monthsTAC QD+MPA+CS3300
Chen 2008ITT12 monthsCsA BID+SRL QD+CS20210.0
ITT12 monthsTAC BID+SRL QD+CS2100
Cockfield 2019ITT24 monthsTAC QD_Low+ACEi/ARB7122.8
ITT24 monthsTAC QD_Low+OAH6945.8
ITT24 monthsTAC QD_Std+ACEi/ARB7134.2
ITT24 monthsTAC QD_Std+OAH7022.9
De Graav 2017ITT12 monthsMPA+CS20315.0
ITT12 monthsTAC BID+MPA+CS2000
Ferguson 2011ITT12 monthsMPA+CS3326.1
ITT12 monthsSRL QD+CS2627.7
ITT12 monthsTAC BID+MPA+CS3000
Gaston 2009ITT12 monthsCNI_Low+MPA_Controlled+CS24352.1
ITT12 monthsCNI_Std+MPA_Controlled+CS23741.7
ITT12 monthsCNI_Std+MPA_Fixed+CS24041.7
Huh 2017ITT12 monthsTAC QD+MPA+CS7500
ITT12 monthsTAC QD+SRL QD+CS7600
Kramer 2010aFAS12 monthsTAC BID153117.2
FAS12 monthsTAC BID+MPA15174.6
FAS12 monthsTAC BID+MPA+CS14764.1
FAS1–6 monthsTAC BID15385.2
FAS1–6 monthsTAC BID+MPA15153.3
FAS1–6 monthsTAC BID+MPA+CS14764.1
FAS7–12 monthsTAC BID15332.0
FAS7–12 monthsTAC BID+MPA15121.3
FAS7–12 monthsTAC BID+MPA+CS14700
Kramer 2010bITT12 monthsTAC BID+MPA+CS336247.1
ITT12 monthsTAC QD+MPA+CS331288.5
PP12 monthsTAC BID+MPA+CS29172.4
PP12 monthsTAC QD+MPA+CS28093.2
Kramer 2012 (SP)ITT36 monthsTAC BID14321.4
ITT36 monthsTAC BID+MPA13942.9
ITT36 monthsTAC BID+MPA+CS13942.9
Langer 2012ITT12 monthsTAC BID_1.5–3 ng/mL+EVR BID+CS10787.5
ITT12 monthsTAC BID_4–7 ng/mL+EVR BID+CS11721.7
ITT4–12 monthsTAC BID_1.5–3 ng/mL+EVR BID+CS10710.9
ITT4–12 monthsTAC BID_4–7 ng/mL+EVR BID+CS11710.9
Tsuchiya 2013ITT1 monthTAC BID+MPA+CS5200
ITT12 monthsTAC QD+MPA+CS5000
ACEi/ARB – angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor/angiotensin II receptor 1 blocker; BAS – basiliximab; BID – twice daily; CNI – calcineurin inhibitor; CS – corticosteroid; CsA – cyclosporin A; EVR – everolimus; FAS – full analysis set; ITT – intention-to-treat; MPA – mycophenolic acid; OAH – other antihypertensive; PP – per-protocol; QD – once daily; SP – secondary publication; SRL – sirolimus; Std – standard dose; TAC – tacrolimus.

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Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358
Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358