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26 January 2022 : Review article  

Recurrence of Hepatocellular Carcinoma After Liver Transplantation: Risk Factors and Predictive Models

Wojciech Andrzej Straś1AEF, Dariusz Wasiak1F, Beata Łągiewska2F, Olga Tronina3EF*, Marta Hreńczuk1F, Joanna Gotlib4F, Wojciech Lisik2AF, Piotr Małkowski1AEFG

DOI: 10.12659/AOT.934924

Ann Transplant 2022; 27:e934924

Table 1 Risk factors predicting hepatocellular carcinoma before and after liver transplantation.

Risk factorsRef.
Risk factors before transplantation✓ Numer and size of the nodules[,,]19
✓ Vascular invasion[,]11
✓ Alpha-Fetoprotein level[,,]27
✓ Neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio[,,,–]19
✓ Positron emission tomography scan/magnetic resonance imaging[,–]19
✓ Bridging therapy response[,,,–]8
✓ Metabolic syndrome, obesity[–]54
✓ HBV and HCV viral infections[–]64
✓ Biopsy[–]85
✓ Time to transplantation17, 88–89
Post-transplantation risk factors✓ Degree of tumor differentiation, vascular invasion[,–]11
✓ Liver donor[–]92
✓ Cold ischemia time[–]96
✓ Operating technique[,]99
✓ Immunosuppression[–]101
✓ Adjuvant treatment[,–]21

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Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358
Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358