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09 December 2022 : Original article  

Modification of Venous Outflow to Avoid Thrombotic Graft Failure in Pancreas Transplantation

Je Ho Ryu1ABE, Jae Ryong Shim1ABC, Tae Beom Lee1BCD, Kwangho Yang1ADE, Taeun Kim2ABF, Seo Rin Kim ORCID logo3EF, Byunghyun Choi1ABCDEF*

DOI: 10.12659/AOT.937514

Ann Transplant 2022; 27:e937514

Table 1 Baseline characteristics of pancreas transplant recipients.

Vena cava group (n=31)Aorta group (n=28)p-value
Age, yr (SD)39.1 (11.8)42.0 (13.1)0.376
Female gender, n (%)18 (58.1)11 (39.3)0.195
Body mass index, Kg/m (SD)22.2 (2.4)22.4 (2.8)0.779
Preoperative HbA1c (%) (SD)8.5 (1.8)9.0 (2.9)0.466
Type I diabetes, n (%)22 (71.0)18 (64.3)0.781
Donor Age, y (SD)28.3 (3.7)28.5 (8.8)0.943
Donor female gender, n (%)7 (22.6)10 (35.7)0.390
Donor body mass index, Kg/m (SD)23.3 (3.7)23.1 (4.0)0.868
Donor HbA1c (%) (SD)5.3 (0.3)5.3 (0.3)0.422
Cold ischemic time, minute (SD)308.2 (61.2)277.8 (51.8)0.045
PDRI (SD)1.26 (0.37)1.22 (0.31)0.660
Transplant type, n (%)0.828
 SPK3 (9.7)3 (10.7)
 SPLK4 (12.9)5 (17.9)
 PAK7 (22.6)8 (28.6)
 PTA17 (54.8)12 (42.9)
Re-transplant, n (%)2 (6.5)3 (10.7)0.661
* PDRI – pancreas donor risk index; SPLK – simultaneous cadaveric pancreas and living donor kidney transplant.

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Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358
Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358