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07 May 2024 : Original article  

Transplant Nephrectomy: A Comparative Study of Timing and Techniques in a Single Institution

Ursula Pession1ABCDE*, Ingrid Lammers1BCF, Ingeborg Hauser2AE, Teresa Schreckenbach1CE, Andreas Schnitzbauer1E, Jeannine Lang2B, Michael Heise1BD, Wolf Otto Bechstein1ADE

DOI: 10.12659/AOT.942252

Ann Transplant 2024; 29:e942252

Table 2 Comparison between ICAN and ECAN in the late TN group.

CharacteristicICAN n=43ECAN n=9P value
 Graft intolerance syndrome38 (88.4%)2 (22.2%)
 Make place for a new graft3 (7%)1 (11.1%)
 Malignancy2 (4.7%)6 (66.7%)
 None/minor39 (90.7%)7 (77.8%)
 Major4 (9.3%)2 (22.2%)
 During surgery7 (16.3%)1 (11.1%)0.696
 After surgery13 (30.2%)5 (55.6%)0.146
1 (2.3%)1 (11.2%)0.213
 Hemoglobin (g/dl)10.2±1.510.8±1.40.293
 White blood count (/nl)10.0±5.68.8±2.30.537
 CRP (mg/dl)5.1±7.54.9±6.30.93
 Albumin before TN (g/dl)3.7±0.63.6±0.20.751
 Albumin after TN (g/dl)3.0±0.62.15±0.70.002
 Total protein before TN(g/dl)6.3±0.86.5±0.40.605
 Total protein after TN (g/dl)5.3±0.74.2±1.30.029
ICAN – intracapsular allograft nephrectomy; ECAN – extracapsular allograft nephrectomy; TN – transplant nephrectomy.

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Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358
Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358