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07 May 2024 : Original article  

Transplant Nephrectomy: A Comparative Study of Timing and Techniques in a Single Institution

Ursula Pession1ABCDE*, Ingrid Lammers1BCF, Ingeborg Hauser2AE, Teresa Schreckenbach1CE, Andreas Schnitzbauer1E, Jeannine Lang2B, Michael Heise1BD, Wolf Otto Bechstein1ADE

DOI: 10.12659/AOT.942252

Ann Transplant 2024; 29:e942252

Table 4 Follow-up: Rates of re-transplantation, re-listing, dialysis, and deaths after transplant nephrectomy.

PatientsAll TNn=69Early TNn=27Late TNn=52Late TN ICANn=43Late TN ECANn=9
8 (11.6%)1 (5.9%)7 (13.4%)6 (14%)1 (11%)
47 (68.1%)12 (70.6%)35 (67.3%)28 (65%)7 (77%)
No TX planned25 (36.2%)6 (35.3%)19 (36.5%)15 (34.9%)4 (44%)
On waiting list10 (14.5%)3 (17.6%)7 (13.5%)7 (16.3%)0
Preparing for waiting list4 (5.8%)04 (7.7%)4 (9.3%)0
Rejected from waiting list8 (11.6%)3 (17.6%)5 (9.6%)2 (4.7%)3 (33%)
13 (18.8%)4 (23.5%)9 (17.3)8 (18.6%)1 (11.1%)
1 (1.4%)01 (1.9%)1 (2.3%)0

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Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358
Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358