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23 January 2024 : Original article  

Preliminary Evaluation of 2 Patient-Centered Educational Animations About Kidney Transplant Complications

Sydney Johnson1BCE, Anne Solbu12BCE, Renee Cadzow3CE, Thomas H. Feeley4E, Maria Keller12C, Liise K. Kayler12ACE*

DOI: 10.12659/AOT.942611

Ann Transplant 2024; 29:e942611

Table 1 Survey questions for kidney transplant complications knowledge, concerns, and understanding with item-wise summary statistics before and after viewing.

QuestionPre videoPost video
Transplant pills must be taken to help prevent rejection.100%100%
It’s ok to miss a dose of transplant medication occasionally.100%100%
If I miss a dose of my transplant medication, I can just double my next dose.91%100%
If I feel sick, I don’t need to take my transplant medications.95%100%
If I throw up my medication, I should contact a doctor.95%100%
It’s normal to experience swelling right after kidney transplantation.91%100%
If my incision leaks any fluid, I’ll need an immediate operation.73%86%
If my new kidney doesn’t work right away, it indicates rejection.73%77%
A kidney biopsy may be needed after kidney transplantation.64%95%
I’m worried about healing after kidney transplantation.1.77±0.611.86±0.56
I’m worried that the transplanted kidney will fail.1.59±0.501.64±0.49
I’m worried the transplant medications will make me feel sick.1.73±0.631.64±0.58
I understand a lot about kidney transplant complications.2.36±0.582.64±0.58
I feel confident I can deal with complications that arise after transplantation.2.59±0.592.68±0.57
* Likert scale responses were scored as follows: Not at all=1, Somewhat=2, A lot=3.

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Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358
Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358