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23 January 2024 : Original article  

Preliminary Evaluation of 2 Patient-Centered Educational Animations About Kidney Transplant Complications

Sydney Johnson1BCE, Anne Solbu12BCE, Renee Cadzow3CE, Thomas H. Feeley4E, Maria Keller12C, Liise K. Kayler12ACE*

DOI: 10.12659/AOT.942611

Ann Transplant 2024; 29:e942611

Table 2 Patients’ sociodemographic characteristics.

Characteristic% (n)Pilot StudyParticipantsN=22InterviewParticipantsN=12
Age <50 years32% (7)42% (5)
Age 50–60 years27% (6)42% (5)
Age >60 years41% (9)17% (2)
Sex, Female64% (14)58% (5)
Race, Black or African American32% (7)25% (3)
Race, Non-Hispanic White54% (12)67% (8)
Race, Hispanic14% (3)8% (1)
Dialysis duration prior to transplant
 Not on dialysis5% (1)33% (4)
 <1 year23% (5)25% (3)
 1–3 years50% (11)33% (4)
 >3 years23% (5)8% (1)
Prior kidney transplant0% (0)8% (1)
Education, no college degree64% (14)67% (8)
Not employed (full or part-time) prior to transplant82% (18)75% (3)
Total household yearly income
 ≤US$ 30,00041% (9)50% (6)
 US$ 30,000–50,00032% (7)43% (5)
 >US$ 75,00018% (4)0% (0)
 No response9% (2)8% (1)
Frequency that someone helps you read hospital materials*
 Never27% (6)67% (8)
 Sometimes41% (9)8% (1)
 Often17% (3)25% (3)
 Always18% (4)0% (0)
Confident filling out forms alone1
 Not at all confident9% (2)0% (0)
 Somewhat confident23% (5)14% (2)
 Quite confident23% (5)41% (5)
 Extremely confident45% (10)45% (5)
Another adult in the home73% (16)75% (9)
* Health literacy was measured with a 2-item survey [] with two items scored on Likert-type scales: “How often do you have someone help you read hospital materials?” and “How confident are you filling out forms by yourself?”

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Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358
Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358