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21 May 2024: Original Paper

Liver Transplantation from Brain-Dead Donors with Hepatitis B or C in South Korea: A 2014–2020 Korean Organ Transplantation Registry Data Analysis

Hoonsung Park 12CDEF , Hanyoung Lee 3CDF , Seungmin Baik 4DF , Myoung Soo Kim 5ABG , Jaeseok Yang 6ABG , Jong Cheol Jeong 7ABG , Tai Yeon Koo 8ABG , Deok-Gie Kim 9ABG , Jae-Myeong Lee 3ACDFG*

DOI: 10.12659/AOT.943588

Ann Transplant 2024; 29:e943588

Table 3 Outcomes of liver transplantation.

HBV(+) graft recipients (n=24)HCV(+) graft recipient (n=1)HBV(−)/HCV(−) graft recipients (n=1010)p value
35.1±24.61232.1±24.6HBV(+)−HBV(−)/HCV(−): p=0.58
HBV(+)−HBV(−)/HCV(−): p=1
 Once23 (95.8%)1 (100%)960 (95%)
 Twice1 (4.2%)a) 048 (4.8%)
 Thrice002 (0.2%)
24.0±18.84837.1±37.6HBV(+)−HBV(−)/HCV(−): p=0.09
HBV(+)−HBV(−)/HCV(−): p=0.11
 Infection0093 (44.8%)
 Cardiovascular disease1 (33.3%)07 (3.4%)
 Cerebrovascular disease0014 (6.8%)
 Hepatic failure1 (33.3%)049 (23.7%)
 Recurred HCC0011 (5.4%)
 Accident or trauma001 (0.5%)
 Suicide001 (0.5%)
 Other/unknown1 (33.3%)031 (14.9%)
HBV(+)−HBV(−)/HCV(−): p=0.8
 Patient death with functioning graft3 (75%)0136 (66.6%)
 Primary non-function1 (25%)025 (12.3%)
 Hepatic artery complication006 (2.9%)
 Hepatic vein/IVC complication002 (1%)
 Portal vein complication002 (1%)
 Biliary complication005 (2.5%)
 Acute rejection008 (3.9%)
 Chronic rejection002 (1%)
 Drug related toxicity003 (1.5%)
 Recurred liver disease001 (0.5%)
 Recurred HCC006 (2.9%)
 Other/unknown008 (3.9%)
HBV(+)−HBV(−)/HCV(−): p=0.23
 Bleeding from operation site1 (25%)0101 (19.8%)
 Intraperitoneal abscess1 (25%)030 (5.9%)
 Hepatic artery stenosis/thrombosis0014 (2.8%)
 Hepatic artery aneurysm003 (0.6%)
 Portal vein stenosis/thrombosis1 (25%)017 (3.3%)
 Hepatic vein stenosis/thrombosis0016 (3.1%)
 IVC stenosis/thrombosis0013 (2.6%)
 Bile leakage0036 (7.1%)
 Bile duct stenosis1 (25%)0106 (20.8%)
 Biliary stone0017 (3.3%)
 Others00156 (30.7%)
HBV(+)−HBV(−)/HCV(−): p=0.29
HBV(+)−HBV(−)/HCV(−): p=1
 Mycophenolate mofetil13 (100%)1616 (98.7%)
 Mycophenolate sodium008 (1.3%)
HBV(+)−HBV(−)/HCV(−): p=1
 Deflazacort0022 (2.6%)
 Prednisolone17 (100%)1836 (97.4%)
5 (5/24, 20.8%)09 (9/313, 2.9%)HBV(+)−HBV(−)/HCV(−): p
0 (0/1, 0%)b) 032 (32/66, 48.5%)HBV(+)−HBV(−)/HCV(−): p=1
1 (1/4, 25%)0 (0/1, 0%)32 (32/179, 17.9%)HBV(+)−HBV(−)/HCV(−): p=0.55
 None1 (4.2%)0531 (52.6%)HBV(+)−HBV(−)/HCV(−): p
Done23 (95.8%)0479 (47.4%)HBV(+)−HBV(−)/HCV(−): p
HBIG only1 (4.3%)0184 (38.4%)
Anti-viral only4 (17.4%)07 (1.5%)
HBIG + anti-viral18 (78.3%)1c) 288 (60.1%)
IVC – inferior vena cava; HCC – hepatocellular carcinoma; HBIG – hepatitis B immunoglobulin.

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Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358
Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358