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27 August 2024 : Original article  

Early Post-Transplant Serum Ferritin Levels as Predictive Biomarkers for Severe Acute Graft-Versus-Host Disease in Pediatric Umbilical Cord Blood Transplantation for Acute Leukemia

Zhiqi Zhang1ABCDEF, Bohan Li1ABCDEF, Lu Liu2ABCDEF, Ruolan Xiong1BCDE, Senlin Zhang3ABC, Minyuan Liu1ABC, Zihao Xia1BCE, Shuran Wang1BCE, Jie Li1CDEFG, Shaoyan Hu14ABCDEFG*

DOI: 10.12659/AOT.944156

Ann Transplant 2024; 29:e944156

Table 1 Baseline characteristics of patients with grade 0-II and grade III–IV acute graft-versus-host disease.

VariableGrade 0-II aGVHD (n=53)Grade III–IV aGVHD (n=18)P value
3.58 (0.67–12.57)3.98 (1.42–8.83)0.463
 Male, n (%)27 (51%)8 (44%)
 Female, n (%)26 (49%)10 (56%)
 AML, n (%)30 (57%)8 (44%)
 ALL, n (%)23 (43%)8 (44%)
 MAL, n (%)0 (0%)2 (12%)
 ≥9/10, n (%)36 (68%)8 (44%)
17 (32%)10 (56%)
 Matched, n (%)12 (23%)5 (28%)
 Mismatched, n (%)41 (77%)13 (72%)
 CR1, n (%)32 (60%)13 (72%)
 CR2, n (%)11 (21%)2 (11%)
 PR, n (%)7 (13%)3 (17%)
 NR, n (%)3 (6%)0 (0%)
 MAC, n (%)43 (81%)10 (56%)
 RIC, n (%)10 (19%)8 (44%)
 Yes, n (%)11 (21%)2 (11%)
 No, n (%)42 (79%)16 (89%)
 Bu, mg/kg12.31 (8.64–14.20)12.80 (8.40–14.10)0.450
 CTX, mg/kg120.00 (75.79–141.00)120.00 (72.00–141.18)0.317
15.00 (10.00–29.00)15.00 (12.00–23.00)0.680
31.00 (13.00–43.00)27.50 (11.00–56.00)0.277
 MNC, ×10/kg6.20 (1.30–11.33)5.90 (1.37–11.79)0.895
 CD34+, ×10/kg2.73 (1.70–6.41)2.78 (0.83–9.20)0.648
 >1650 ng/mL, n (%)28 (53%)15 (83%)
25 (47%)3 (17%)
 >1650 ng/mL, n (%)6 (11%)4 (22%)
47 (89%)14 (78%)
aGVHD – acute graft-versus-host disease; ALL – acute lymphocytic leukemia; AML – acute myeloid leukemia; ATG – anti-thymocyte globulin; Bu – busulfan; CI – confidence interval; CR – complete response; CTX – cyclophosphamide; HR – hazard ratio; MAL – mixed phenotype acute leukemia; MNC – mononuclear cells; NR – no response; PR – partial response; SF – serum ferritin.

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Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358
Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358