12 April 2022: Letter To Editor
Pancreas Allograft Thrombosis as a Post-COVID-19 Complication in a Diabetic Patient After Pancreas Transplantation
Karolina Kędzierska-Kapuza1ABCDEF*, Grzegorz Witkowski 1BDE, Katarzyna Baumgart-Gryn2E, Marek Durlik1ABGDOI: 10.12659/AOT.935863
Ann Transplant 2022; 27:e935863
ABSTRACT: Arterial and venous thrombosis of pancreatic allografts is a rare complication in the late post-transplantation period. In addition to traditional thrombosis risk factors, SARS-CoV-2 infection predisposes patients to thrombotic diseases in both arterial and venous vessels. Transplant patients with a history of COVID-19 should be carefully monitored for arterial embolism and graft vein thrombosis. Early detection of this complication in patients after transplantation allows a chance to save the organ. Thromboprophylaxis with low molecular weight heparin is of great importance.
Keywords: COVID-19, Embolism and Thrombosis, Pancreas Transplantation, Allografts, Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1, Humans, Pancreas, Thrombosis
Transplant patients who have experienced COVID-19 should be carefully monitored for the occurrence of graft arterial and vein embolism. Early detection of these complications in patients after organ transplantation gives an opportunity to save the organ. Thromoprophylaxis with low molecular weight heparin is highly important and should be continued in high-risk patients (obese, with persistent d-dimer levels >1000) for a minimum of 2 weeks (preferably 4–6 weeks) after reaching the convalescent status.
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