01 January 2005
A brief psychological intervention to improve adherence following transplantation.
Gail L Lisson, James R Rodrigue, Alan I Reed, David R NelsonAnn Transplant 2005; 10(1): 52-57 :: ID: 142738
Poor adherence is recognized as a major contributor to morbidity, mortality,decreased quality of life, higher medical costs, and over-utilization of health care services among transplantrecipients. While there is universal recognition that poor adherence negatively impacts transplant outcomes,interventions designed to improve adherence have not been the focus of much attention in the transplantliterature. The purpose of this article is to describe a brief, theory-based and individually tailoredintervention to promote adherence. This intervention is currently used with all liver transplant recipientsat our institution. The main goal of the intervention is to reduce the effects of known barriers to adherenceby providing recipients with the education, skills, and resources needed to optimize adherence. Adherenceis measured at 1, 3, 6, and 12 months post-transplant and additional adherence booster sessions are providedas needed. This intervention has been very favorably received by patients, caregivers, transplant physicians,and nurse coordinators.
Keywords: Psychotherapy, Brief - methods
In Press
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