02 December 2002
Polyclonal Antibodies Induction Therapy in Kidney Transplantation: a Single Center Experience
J Malaise, M De Meyer, M Mourad, J P SquiffletAnn Transplant 2002; 7(4): 46-48 :: ID: 496271
In the past two decades, despite the use of more marginal donor grafts in more compromised recipients, patient and graft survival rates in kidney transplantation have significantly improved over time as surgical techniques and immunosuppressive protocols have evolved [1-5]. The trend towards increasing donor age and using donors dying from non-traumatic events results in providing grafts more prone to ischemic preservation injuries. Today, oneyear patient and graft survival in kidney transplantation reaches 95-percent and 90-percent, respectively. [1]
Keywords: Polyclonal Antibodies, Kidney Transplantation
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