22 September 2006
Expanded Criteria Liver Donors (ECD): Effect of Cumulative Risks
C L Fischer-Fröhlich, W LauchartAnn Transplant 2006; 11(3): 38-42 :: ID: 497003
The use of ECD in liver donors increases the risk of primary non function (PNF). The German Medical Association (2004) defined an ECD, if one of the following conditions existed: high risk of disease transmission, hemodynamic deterioration, donor age > 65years, BMI > 30kg/m2, bilirubine > 51mmol/l, ASAT or ALAT > 3*reference, sodium > 165mmol/l, days on ICU >7, steatosis >40% or equivalent liver pathologies. The effect of ECD-criteria was assessed. Methods: Out 422 consecutive donors (1992-2004) with 282 liver grafts were transplanted (LTX) the existing ECD criteria were cumulated per donor (ΣECD), grouped and compared to the number of grafts used and the one year graft function rate (all grafts/censored for grafts lost due to PNF only). Discrimination was determined by Receiver-Operating-Characteristics (ROC). Results: With increasing ΣECD the rate of grafts procured declined (Σ ECD=0: 95% [n=162], ΣECD=1: 62% [n=146], ΣECD=2: 39% [n=61], ΣECD=3: 32% [n=38], ΣECD≥4: 13% [n=16], p
Keywords: Liver Transplantation, organ donor, Expanded Criteria
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