06 January 1997
Biological skin covers in treatment of two cases of the Lyell's syndrome
L Klein, P Mericka, H Strakova, L Jebavy, M Nozickova, M Blaha, Z Talabova, F HosekAnn Transplant 1997; 2(1): 45-48 :: ID: 497133
Thetreatment of two cases of toxic epidermal necrolysis(lyell's syndrome) is described. Althoughsome features were common for both ones (youngmen practically of the same age, reaction after using the same drug) the clinical course of illness was very different. Spontaneous epithelisation of partial-thickness lesionsand definitivehealingunder the xenografts inone patient andfull-thicknessskin-losson 12%of body surface with severe septic complications requiring application of cultured keratinocytes and/or skin autografting in the other patient were the main differences. The interdisciplinary approach using a burns treatment protocol in non-burned patient including the close co-operation with the tissue bank in preparing different types of biological covers has been applied.
Keywords: toxic epidermal necrolysis, xenografts, Lyell's syndrome, biologicalcovers
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