01 January 2008
Organ transplantation in Poland
M. DurlikAnn Transplant 2008; 13(1): 9-9 :: ID: 880164
At the present time, The Organ Transplant Program in Poland includes kidney, liver, pancreas, heart and lung transplantation. First successful cadaveric kidney transplantation was performed in Warsaw on January 26th 1966 by Professor Jan Nielubowicz and his team, in co-operation with nephrologist, prof. Tadeusz Orłowski. The operation went well and the patient was discharged home 3 weeks after transplantation. This treatment method achieved wide application. From 1966 to 2007, there were 12730 kidneys transplanted in 18 Polish transplant centers. Most of the transplantations are performed from deceased donors. The number of living donor transplant procedures is low and consists about 3% of the whole number of transplantation. First successful transplantation of kidney and pancreas segment in Poland was carried out in 1988 by Professor Jacek Szmidt together with the surgical team from the Department of Vascular and Transplant Surgery of the Medical University of Warsaw. The patient after surgery lived for another 15 years without the necessity of insulin therapy or dialysis. All together, till the end of 2007, 188 simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplantations were performed in Poland. The Liver Transplantation Program in Poland was started in 1987 with the first procedures performed in Szczecin and has been continued to be effectively developed in the Medical University of Warsaw from 1996. Until the end of the year 2007, 1404 liver transplantations in adults were performed. Additionally, since 1990 liver transplantations have been performed in 366 children in the Children's Memorial Health Institute in Warsaw. First successful heart transplantation in Poland was performed in 1985 by prof. Zbigniew Religa. So far 1655 heart transplantations have been carried out in Poland. Lung transplant program has been continued since 2003 in only one transplant center and 18 lung transplant procedures were done. In Poland, short-term and long-term results of organ transplantation are very good and comparable with world results. Health care system provides complex care of all patients and reimbursement of therapy. All of immunossupressive drugs are refunded and available for all patients: CNI (cyclosporine and tacrolimus), PSI (sirolimus and everolimus), MMF, MPS, monoclonal antibodies. Many international clinical trials of the immunosuppressive drugs are carried out in Polish transplant centers. Apart from clinical procedures, numerous clinical trails within the fi elds of immunological and experimental transplantation are conducted.
Keywords: Transplantation, Liver, Kidney
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