01 January 2008
Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics immunosuppressive drug monitoring solutions
T. Wei, N. Morjana, S. Goss, L. Bantum, Y. Yue, R. Janzen, G. SiefringAnn Transplant 2008; 13(1): 37-37 :: ID: 880196
Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics offers comprehensive and flexible solutions for Immunosuppressive Drug Monitoring, designed to meet the needs of our diverse worldwide customer base. Our innovative Dimension® clinical chemistry system (DM) provides a full menu of the only onboard pretreatment whole blood methods available. These methods are easily integrated into the central laboratory - whether you are a large transplantation center, or a small community hospital. The Syva® ISD products have been available since the early 1990's and have been in use in numerous laboratories worldwide. These methods employ the Emit® technology and allow the customer to choose the system that best suits their testing volume needs. The performance is summarized below.
Keywords: cutaneous abscess, osteomylitis, bladder tissue, electrical impedance, first record-able reading, optimal probe pressure
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