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21 May 2009

Microvescicular liver graft steatosis as a risk factor of ipf (initial poor function) in relation to suboptimal donor parameters

B Cieślak, Z Lewandowski, M Urban, B Ziarkiewicz-Wróblewska, M Krawczyk

Ann Transplant 2009; 14(1): 43-44 :: ID: 880357


Aim: To find out the role of microvesicular graft steatosis in relation to donor's parameters.
Material/Methods: 269 consecutive orthotopic liver transplantations were
performed in the Department between 2004 and 2006. Donor parameters
(age, BMI, ICU stay, hypotension, cardiac arrest, vasoactive agents, sodium concentration, AST, ALT, GGT, bilirubin and APTT) and percentage of  microvesicular graft steatosis data were collected into the study. Endpoint of the study was dysfunction of the liver graft (AST or ALT >2500 IU/L or  prothrombin index < 50% during first 7 days after OLTx - orthotopic liver transplantation).
Results: The increase of microvesicular steatosis by 12% results in significant aggravation of the risk of IPF by 50%.
Conclusions: The microvesicular steatosis is a risk factor of hepatic early dysfunction after liver transplantation. Moreover, it seems that recipients are more exposed to IPF, if the microsteatosis occurs with other suboptimal donor's parameters. The results are shown as an odds ratio for IPF in the group of optimal and suboptimal donors.

Keywords: Liver Transplantation

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Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358