21 May 2009
Quality of life after kidney and pancreas transplantation
D Zielińska, M DurlikAnn Transplant 2009; 14(1): 45-46 :: ID: 880365
Perfused organ transplantation such as transplantation of the whole pancreas
has proved so far to be the best possible way of dealing with type 1 diabetes mellitus. That also includes prevention of its complications. Patients undergoing pancreas-and-kidney surgery are likely to develop post-operative complications, and extensive pharmacological treatment. The likelihood of developing post-operative complications, especially when combined with extensive pharmacological treatment may jeopardize patients' recovery and their quality of life. Recently published data shows, that patients after pancreas and-kidney transplants are likely to have their QoL worse than average in general population, in spite of the fact that they function far better than before the surgery. The aim of this study was to evaluate QoL after pancreas-and kidney transplantation of patients transplanted in our centre. A total of 23 patients were included in the study. Surgical procedures took place between the years 2005 and 2008. In 20 cases pancreas-and-kidney transplant was performed and in 2 cases pancreas transplant was done 2 years after successful kidney transplantation. To evaluate QoL questionnaire QLQ-30 was used, as well as questionnaire BDI (depression assessment) and STAI (anxiety). In all cases the appropriate graft functioning was confirmed.
Results: After at least 6 months following the transplant mean QoL score was 88, mean functioning score was 71.2 and symptoms scale score was 9.1. Average BDI questionnaire score was 8. Four patients have reached 12 points and above. Kidney-and pancreas transplantation significantly improves QoL, although higher scores in anxiety and depression questionnaires are noted.
Keywords: Pancreas Transplantation
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