21 May 2009
Long term acid-base balance disorders during kidney transplantation
K Tejchman, L Domański, T Sulikowski, M Kamiński, J Sieńko, M Romanowski, M OstrowskiAnn Transplant 2009; 14(1): 53-54 :: ID: 880395
Reperfusion of transplanted kidney is connected with many metabolic changes which are the result of the kidney's initial condition and preservation. These alterations are the part of ischemia-reperfusion injury with acid-base balance disorders as one of them. The study's purpose was the analysis of its influence on the kidney function during 24 months after transplantation. The examined group consisted of 86 recipients. Measurements had been made 9 times - 0, 1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 minutes after unclamping renal vessels including: blood sample for gas analysis, expiratory pCO[sub]2[/sub], tidal volume and respiratory rate. The evaluation of temporary acid-base balance state was made on the basis of common parameters: pH, pCO[sub]2[/sub], [HCO[sub]3[/sub]-], BE. Examined patients were in general anaesthesia with stable external conditions (O2 saturation, heart rate, blood pressure, temperature). Blood samples were analyzed using Corning 278 and 248 blood gas analyzer; vital parameters were recorded using Ohmeda 5250 RGM and Dräger Sulla 909V / Julian apparatus. The analysis has shown increasing metabolic acidosis during reperfusion. Disorders are dependent from HLA-DR matching, donor's gender and have influence on early creatinine concentrations after operation. Analysis showed also influence on a long term kidney function parameters.
Keywords: Ischemia reperfusion injury, Kidney Transplantation
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