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21 May 2009

Tissue banking on the move – from non-vital grafts to cell cultures. A review of the current status and prospects in chondrocytes culture techniques for autologous chondrocytes implantation

E Olender, A Kamiński, I Uhrynowska-Tyszkiewicz

Ann Transplant 2009; 14(1): 68-68 :: ID: 880450


Background: Historically, tissue banks' activities have focused mainly on retrieving and processing tissues, i.e. more or less organized conglomerates of cells and intracellular matrix. Unlike organ grafts, many kinds of tissue grafts do not have to even contain living cells to perform their task properly. And so, the cells as such, have been paid less attention. This situation changes with the shift towards the new cell-based therapies. A recent example of this trend is introducing autologous chondrocytes culture into tissue banks' procedures. The aim of this paper is to review the status of the chondrocytes culturing for autologous implantation and its implications for tissue banks' activities. Design: Basing on a systematic literature review the following topics will be discussed: characteristics of chondrocytes as a specific kind of cells, principles of chondrocytes culture, limitations imposed by the physiology of chondrocytes, attempts to optimize culture and implantation conditions, methods for assessing the state of chondrocyte differentiation, the possible alternative sources of cells for cartilage repair. Issues concerning the specific legal status of cell culturing will also be raised.
Conclusions: The traditional perception of the tissue banks just as facilities
processing and storing non-vital tissue grafts does not correspond with the
current state. Tissue banks are involved not only in simple propagation of
cells but also in designing new culture techniques and cell carriers in order
to deliver cells of desired characteristics. This presents technological challenges in terms of scientific progress and adjusting tissue banks' activities to meet international standards.

Keywords: biostatic grafts, Tissue Banking, Tissue Transplantation

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Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358